Franz Krope - Maschinen- und Werkzeugbau GmbH & Co. KG

The company “Franz Krope” is successfully active in the engine and tool construction for more than 40 years.
For almost 30 years the company “Krope“ organizes the entire development and independent construction of extruders that are specifically designed and used for the manufacturing of plastic linings and sheathings.
At the same time, thus 30 years ago, the company “Krope” started the production of plastic linings, extruding (inserting) the plastic material into instruments of the measuring and control technology and advancing the process to its technical maturity.



In these days the production of plastic linings and sheathings for instruments of the measuring and control technology is the main focus of our company.


With our long-standing experience and the KNOW HOW in the manufacturing of mounting linings, we earned an excellent reputation and achieved the appropriate recognition by many customers.